13 people who showed the miracle of transformation (14 photos)

10 June 2024

The saying “Nothing is impossible” can sometimes seem difficult to understand, but when you have the will to do something, it becomes clear that almost any goal you set for yourself can be achieved. In this post you will see people who have achieved amazing results and changed beyond recognition.

1. My before and after photos

2. We took up sports and got in great shape together.

3. I feel happy and healthy

4. I need new pants! Minus 125 kilograms

5. It’s almost impossible to recognize me now!

6. Doctors never even suggested I go on a diet, they tried to talk me into surgery as the only option. But I made it through

7. I used to be afraid to wear short hair because of excess weight. Today I said goodbye to the old me

8. A little over a year of progress in the areas of proper nutrition, strength and high-intensity training

9. Eight months of consistent work. Slowly but surely moving towards the goal, it’s nice to see the results

10. There’s still a little time left, but I’m terribly glad

11. When I saw my photo on the left, it became my main motivation to change my lifestyle.

12. I lost weight through strict diet and exercise. For most of my weight loss, I maintained a deficit of about 2,000 calories per day.

13. I have never felt better or been more proud of what I have achieved.

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