The bear just walked into the man's kitchen while he was cooking (2 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
10 June 2024

Jason Whiteman got a shock when he was washing dishes and a bear wandered into his kitchen.

In a video posted to his social media page, Whiteman asks the animal, “Hey, are you good? You're in my house, so get out of my house, Mr. Bear! I'm warning you."

However, the bear didn't even seem to hear the man! Only the owner of the house asked if the animal “would like to be splashed with water?” Without waiting for an answer, Whiteman sprayed the bear with water before following him outside. There he saw that there were actually two of them.

The bears were walking very peacefully in Whiteman's yard and, despite his urging to leave, they continued to ignore him. Then the man opened the fence door for the bears. The animals seemed to get the hint, but eventually climbed over the fence.

“They are cute animals, but their personalities are not pleasant. Their character can change in the blink of an eye,” says Whiteman.


Town resident Bruce Anderson told a local station about how people perceive these animals: “Usually they play with each other, so you can see them rolling over and wrestling and stuff like that. I've seen them on my garden furniture, for example. They just climb on it and play and then fall off the deck... It's pretty cute."

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