South Korea responded to North Korea and sent balloons with K-pop, dramas and dollars (3 photos)

10 June 2024

This was the answer to garbage and dung balls.

The South Korean group "Movement for a Free North Korea" said it sent 10 large balloons to the DPRK. Attached to the balloons were leaflets critical of Kim Jong-un, dollar bills and K-pop flash drives. It was a response from North Korea, which sent balloons filled with manure and garbage across the border in May.

In turn, the “garbage event” was a response to South Korea, which began distributing its propaganda leaflets in the south of the DPRK.

The DPRK Government believes that distributing leaflets against the Republic of Korea constitutes the freedom of expression of our people and guarantees the Korean people's right to information, so there is a limit to immediately stopping such dissemination. “We respectfully ask for your understanding,” said Kim Jong-un’s sister Kim Yo-jong.

Despite the fact that South Korea sent balloons, they still fear that the North will again take up its task of sending balloons with sewage in response to the actions of South Korean activists. Previously, the DPRK said that it was ready to send “a hundred times more toilet paper and mud".

North Korea sent 150 balloons filled with manure and garbage to South Korea

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