Cafe for blind dates meanly betrayed girls (5 photos)

6 June 2024

A very interesting cafe for dates has opened in Vietnam - because it is literally for “blind dates”. That is, men and women communicate in this cafe, but do not see each other, in order to evaluate only the interests of the interlocutor, and then decide whether to continue acquaintance.

And the guys don’t even have tables, but ottomans to sit and stare at their knees

Big, big betrayal

Everything was planned like this: between the men's and women's counters at Mina Cafe there is a glass mirror through which you can communicate, but you cannot see each other.

But it turned out that it was only a mirror on one side. It was the girls who did not see their interlocutors, but on the male side everything was transparent and visible!

The big meanness is that initially the cafe advertised itself as a mutually honest blind date. The girls didn’t know they were being watched – that’s where the perversion lies.

Here comes the police - GOOD EVENING. guys who were caught on the spot would be attracted to the same thing, after all, they were staring at their skirts

Moreover, notice how the seats are installed on the light women's side and the dark men's side. The men are seated lower on purpose so that they can directly look under the girl’s skirt if she tries to come to the date dressed up and wearing makeup. What if there is a person with similar interests who would like to show up?

Exposure of the crime

The truth came out when one of the guys rented a men's room at Mina Cafe and posted the video on TikTok. Seriously, didn’t they think that there would be a circle of perverts there and not a single honest person among the men? What was the owner of this cafe hoping for!?

The white side of the girls looks like a cafe, the men's side looks like some kind of hangout with leather chairs

By the way, this is a woman. It was opened by a woman named Lina Shi, who justifies it this way: it is so that men can find a mate and create relationships. They will only offer to meet the girl they like, whether to agree or not is always up to the girl.

That is, she doesn’t even see the problem (or is lying). In any case, all the cafe’s social media pages. She quickly closed the networks under an avalanche of accusations and hatred from women.

There were girls who visited this cafe and were ready to press charges - they did not know that they were looking under their skirts

Lina Shi said that the staff simply “sometimes forgot” to point out to the girls that it was not a two-way mirror and they could be seen from the other side. Apparently, she just needs to instruct employees more carefully.

But it will no longer be possible to resort to stupidity; after the scandal, the police came to the cafe.

Although you should have started to guess something when it was said that girls would be able to get free drinks when visiting the cafe, and guys would have to pay an entrance fee. Some kind of inequality had to pay off.

Here are the packages, you can buy a package to communicate with a girl for an hour or with all the girls of your choice

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