Gained strength: a woman gave up sex for ten years and achieved enlightenment (3 photos)

Category: Sex, PEGI 0+
6 June 2024

Tanya Shultz took a vow of celibacy and refused intimacy. She decided that relationships were only draining her life force.

Tanya Shultz, who now lives in the UK, decided to give up sex for ten years and achieved harmony with herself.

The woman's last romantic relationship ended in 2014. After that, she took a vow of celibacy and refused intimacy. According to Tanya, she realized that sexual energy is the power that a person transfers to another in bed. She decided that there was no point in doing this.

Tanya, who is originally from Zimbabwe but now lives in Preston, England, says she didn't set out to be celibate but has since found it to be a much easier lifestyle. Now she doesn't even think about physical intimacy and believes that her celibacy has allowed her to develop spiritual connections with other people, focusing on individuality rather than intimacy.

Now Schultz, she says, feels like an “enlightened nun.”

"It's all about physical attraction these days. And with men it's even worse - if they're married, they're still looking. I used to work in an investment bank and I used to get very angry at men who would sneak out with the staff and then go home to to their wives,” she said.

According to Tanya Schultz, she never felt a particular need for physical intimacy. She lost her virginity at 21 and did not share her friends’ enthusiasm for intimate relationships. It seems to a woman that people are too fixated on each other, and this destroys relationships.

Tani believes that this attraction is what pushes married men to cheat.

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