“No one lives there anymore”: a man visited an abandoned “ghost town” (3 photos + 2 videos)

3 June 2024

An urban explorer named Dave showed an old abandoned church, an old school and empty houses. According to him, less than 10 people live in the village.

A blogger and urban explorer named Dave visited a “ghost town,” specifically the village of Cayville, Canada. The man came across an abandoned place and captured empty houses, a church and an old supermarket. He published the video on the Freaktography YouTube channel.

According to the blogger, Cayville was a vibrant area and joined other towns that were abandoned in the 20th century. An Ontario urban researcher said he was shocked to discover a forgotten neighborhood whose population is believed to have declined after being hit by economic changes.

The village of Cayville is believed to have been abandoned as priority was given to life in larger cities. Dave told his followers about how schools closed and the railroad disappeared. He noted that the once thriving community was home to more than 100 people in the 1970s.

"Kayville is known as one of the many ghost towns in the province of Saskatchewan because all the buildings, the school and most of the homesteads are empty and no one lives there anymore. Like other villages in Saskatchewan, Kayville has shrunk greatly. The farming economy has declined. The population is cash-strapped. shrank, the schools closed, the grain elevator stopped working, and the railroad was removed. In 1970, the population of the community was more than 100. Today, the population has dropped sharply to less than 10 people,” he said.

Walking through the former city, Dave first noticed a forgotten church with locked doors. He then walked through the village, where there was an old school, a community center, a Co-op store and empty houses. The blogger went into one of them. Inside were old sofas and rotting carpets. He also showed an old abandoned grain factory where grain elevators still operate.


Many viewers were quick to comment on Dave's walk through the abandoned village.

"Very interesting town and great drone footage," "Nice cute little town," "My husband's grandfather settled there in the early 1900s. It had a very large population," they wrote.

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