McLaren Senna toy car (7 photos)

Category: Toys, PEGI 0+
3 June 2024

Amalgam, a company specializing in scale models, has already opened orders for its scaled-down copy of the McLaren Senna supercar in the commemorative Senna Semper livery. The toy will cost the same as a full-fledged car - at least £15,845 at current rates.

The main difference between the commemorative McLaren Senna, dedicated to Ayrton Senna's six victories in Monaco, is the specially designed livery. It is made in the colors of the Brazilian flag and includes two portraits of the racer, applied to the sides using dots.

Amalgam carefully copied not only the body of the supercar, but also its design. It is alleged that about 3 thousand hours were spent on developing the 1:8 scale model, about 60 centimeters long, and another 300 hours will be spent on hand-crafting each commercial copy. During the development, specialists used both the official drawings of the Senna and the specifications of the materials used to create the original supercar. Thus, it was possible to achieve complete similarity of the paints used. Even the interior design was reproduced, including a quote from Ayrton Senna placed in the cabin, although no photos of the model’s interior were published.

In total, Amalgam will assemble only 30 of these supercars, but the first copy has already been reserved for McLaren itself, and the final one will be given to the athlete’s family. Thus, only 28 cars will go on public sale.

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