You can get 1,500 people drunk: the world's largest bottle of vodka is up for sale (3 photos)

3 June 2024

The previous record holder was Polish vodka brand Chopin, which contained 200 liters. The Au Vodka bottle weighs 300kg and holds a whopping 259 liters of premium booze.

The world's largest bottle of vodka, which could intoxicate 1,500 people, will be sold duty free in the UK. It contains 250 liters of alcohol.

The bottle is over 2 meters high and was installed at Stansted Airport. The vodka bottle was made by Au Vodka. The container weighs 300 kg and holds 259 liters of premium alcohol. The vodka bottle has become a new Guinness World Records record holder, officially being named the largest bottle of vodka in the world.

The previous record holder was Polish vodka brand Chopin, which contained 200 liters. The award-winning Au Viodka bottle is created entirely to scale and is made from the same materials as the standard 700ml bottle.

According to Au Vodka, someone who buys a bottle can drink alcohol from it every day for 28 years and still not finish it, or have one crazy party.

Doctors say that it takes four glasses of vodka to make the average person drunk. Given that the US serving size is 44 ml, this means that the bottle can "satisfy" more than 1,500 people.

Au Vodka says "several" big names are interested in purchasing the bottle. It is currently on display at the airport and will remain there until the end of June, when it will be removed and put up for sale.

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