What are these provocative beauties on the roadsides of Taiwan (6 photos)

3 June 2024

If you see beauties in super-short skirts and flashy dresses near the roadsides in the provinces of Taiwan, don’t be so quick to judge! They are not involved in body trade at all, it’s just their work clothes.

Cute ruffles, how she doesn’t have sunburn from a day outside

Locals will immediately guess - these are just girls selling nuts! What to do if betel nut is most often bought by taxi drivers, truck drivers, and various men on long work shifts. They don't read the signs, but their eye always catches an attractive-looking girl, and they will stop and go buy some nuts.

Provocative marketing always works.

What kind of nut is this for drivers?

Works until late at night, she earns her salary

The nut is very popular in Asia; in Taiwan alone, according to average estimates, there are up to 6 thousand points of sale of nuts in small shops.

Betel is an areca nut (a palm tree) that contains a stimulating substance stronger than coffee or nicotine. In fact, it is in fourth place in the world in popularity after cigarettes, alcohol and coffee, they just know more about it in India, Taiwan, in general - in the place where it grows.

She is selling a nut. Really. So she will earn more money

Questionable marketing with nothing wrong with it

The first kiosk that hired a provocative beauty to solicit customers along the road became rich. A year later, all the stores were hiring girls from the provinces for this purpose.

This job does not require education or knowledge of languages, so for provincial women this is a chance for good pay in life. Such barker girls earn even more than maids in foreign hotels in other popular jobs among provincial women. On average 700-800 dollars.

He prepares portions for sale, wearing fingertips, because he paints a lot

Officials, of course, don’t like this. Since 2020, they have been accusing sellers of corrupting the morality of the nation, since they put frivolous girls on the roads. And that drivers stare at them and get into accidents.

But this is from the category of “doctor, where did you get these pictures from”? Because the girls don’t sell themselves, but work all day under the scorching sun.

Well, good, isn't it? I would buy souvenirs from someone like this

And we don't need this betel

Doctors believe that betel chewers are more likely to get oral cancer, which is quite common in Taiwan compared to Europe, for example. In the capital, even ten years ago, it was forbidden to sell it, they sent poor saleswomen “101 kilometers away” and ordered them to wear long skirts when leaving.

Betel nut stains teeth very well, so girls somehow don’t like it, they take care of its beauty

Although it didn't really help. Who will force the beauty to dress more modestly!? Yes, this is almost impossible.

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