“Can be compared to a jackpot”: a woman found a pot of ancient coins (6 photos)

Category: Archeology, PEGI 0+
30 May 2024

Officials are calling the discovery one of the largest in the last decade, and scientists have launched extensive research to find out the truth.

A woman from the town of Kutna Hora, in the Czech Republic, dug up a container with a rare treasure inside - 2150 ancient coins dating from 1085-1107. Archaeologists say that such finds happen once a decade.

According to a press release from the Institute of Archeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences (ARUP), the coins were found in the ground by a local woman who was walking around the city.

“The coins are made of an alloy that, in addition to silver, contains impurities of copper, lead and other metals. By determining the composition, we can then find out their real origin,” the statement says.

Archaeologist Philip Velimsky said that the treasure was hidden during times of political instability, when representatives of the Přemyslid dynasty were fighting for the Prague throne.

The coins were kept in a ceramic container, of which only the bottom remains. According to the expert, their value was unheard of at that time.

“Unfortunately, we lack data on the purchasing power of people at the turn of the 11th-12th centuries, but this was a huge, unimaginable amount for an ordinary person. Can it really be compared to winning a million in the jackpot,” Velimsky explained.

Czech officials call the discovery one of the largest in the last decade. Local scientists are now working on processing the discovered specimens, in particular, conducting X-ray scanning and determining the properties and composition of the material from which they are made.

The artifacts will later be presented at an exhibition scheduled for 2025.

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