A man found a violin worth $1.7 million in his attic (4 photos)

30 May 2024

A UK resident inherited his mother's house in 2006. While sorting out things in the attic, he found a violin that belonged to the leader of the Titanic orchestra, Wallace Hartley.

The British violinist died on April 15, 1912 during the sinking of the famous liner. Rescuers found the musician's body; a violin in a case was tied to his chest. The musical instrument was given to Hartley's fiancée, Maria Robinson.

She donated it to the Salvation Army religious organization. However, the instrument was considered lost for almost 100 years until the homeowner found it in the attic. The metal plate confirmed the authenticity. On it was written: "For Wallace from Mary on the occasion of our engagement."

The man brought the relic to the auction house Henry Aldridge & Son Ltd. for appraisal, and it sold in 2013 for $1.7 million. This amount became a record for an artifact from the Titanic.

The violin was purchased by a collector on condition of anonymity and was exhibited in museums in Missouri and Tennessee.

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