“I divorced a ghost and adopted a possessed clown, now my ex is jealous” (7 photos)

27 May 2024

According to Brocard, 40, some time ago she became engaged to the spirit of a Victorian soldier. But her relationship with her husband, Edwardo, ended when she accused him of infidelity. After this, the singer sheltered a possessed clown, whom she met at The Clown motel in Nevada.

After touring the US with the doll, the woman returned to her Oxfordshire home and used magic to discover her new companion's past. But Edwardo doesn’t want to see a clown in the house.

Brocard says that her ex-husband is quite calm about her communication with ghosts, but the thought that she brought another spirit into their shared space drives him crazy.

“I immediately understand when Edwardo wants to say something, his energy is very powerful. I rarely see him lately. But he doesn’t like the clown, he watches him, and I always find a doll at the door,” the British woman explained.

"He has nothing to worry about, I'm not thinking about marrying a ghost clown, although that would be funny. I'm just doing research and I definitely don't want to get involved in a paranormal love triangle."

"Perhaps Edwardo has picked up on the bad energy and is just keeping an eye on me. I'm fascinated by objects that spirits live in, it's a whole new world for me, so I'm trying to learn and absorb as much as I can."

During a trip to the famous motel The Clown, Brocard immediately felt the clown and quickly found a common theme with him - a love of theater and performing.

The spirit told her that he was a clown and spent his days performing in front of audiences who found his skits boring.

The woman explained: “When I communicate with spirits, I first of all feel their emotions. Sometimes the soul becomes attached to an object, in this case this doll once belonged to a real clown.”

"He had dreams of fame, but he was doomed to street performances where he was not appreciated. He chose me to tell his story."

The owner of the motel allowed him to shelter the clown and conduct a thorough paranormal investigation.

“I felt an overwhelming desire to find out more about this man, he wants to be saved. In the motel, clowns compete with each other, there are hundreds of them, and they are all fighting for the attention of visitors. I was interested to see how he would behave in different situations.”

The Clown is considered the creepiest place in Nevada. After spending the night alone in a motel, Brocard shared her thoughts.

"The motel is intriguing because many murders have been committed on its premises. It is believed that dark forces operate in this place, since it is located next to the portal."

"There's a cemetery nearby, so it's not a fun place. They say ghosts still haunt here, and some of them have taken over the clowns in the museum."

After leaving the hotel, Brocard went on tour with a new friend. They visited Hollywood and even had a blast in Sin City.

“So far the clown is acting peacefully,” she added. “Nothing that would cause me any alarm. Hopefully, now that I have two ghosts in the house, the situation will not change!”

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