A man bought an antique vase for only $8, but sold it for 56 times more (2 photos)

24 May 2024

Sometimes people sort through the junk in the homes of deceased relatives and give away antiques from the 1970s and 80s, unaware of their true value.

A man was looking at the counter in a charity shop when he saw a beautiful vase that looked like the work of Italian glassblower Angelo Baroviera. He decided to purchase the item and later found an identical copy online for sale for $921.

According to the Canadian, you can often find interesting products at flea markets and sales. Sometimes people sort through the junk in the homes of deceased relatives and give away antiques from the 1970s and 80s, unaware of their true value. Probably the vase he bought ended up in the store in a similar way.

Netizens had mixed reactions to this story. Some congratulated the author of the post on the find, while others assured that the vase was in fact a fake.

This reaction surprised the man: “Some people were very aggressive because of the announced price. I didn’t say that it costs $1,200. I just found this ad.”

Andy later reported that an unnamed antiques dealer offered to buy the exhibit for $450. The collector asked for his email address and transferred half the amount as a deposit, and gave the rest in person.

“Coincidentally, he lived about an hour away from me,” Andy explained.

By the way, glassblower Angelo Barovier lived in Venice (Italy) in the 15th century. His works were distinguished by their special brilliance and transparency. The price of the master’s original products varies from 100 dollars to 20 thousand.

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