Britney Spears may return to the care of relatives, from whom she got rid of with such difficulty (4 photos)

24 May 2024

Many people know about Britney's long struggle for her freedom. She has every chance of returning to custody, because Spears behaves very strangely.

In 2008, Britney Spears had a nervous breakdown and left the hospital under the care of her father. As it turned out, the parent did not take custody of his daughter in order to improve her life. Jaime Spears began to control his daughter's life, forbade her to get married, forbade her to give birth and tried with all his might to regain her popularity in order to earn money. Britney Spears got rid of her father's guardianship with great difficulty.

When all the trials were finally over, Britney became free. The singer got married and there were even rumors about her pregnancy. But everything has changed. Britney Spears divorced Sam Asghari. He cited infidelity and constant scandals as the reason for the divorce. The divorce was difficult, and details recently became known.

“During one of the conflicts, she attacked him with an ax. The incident occurred when she was not taking her medication. The conversation about renewing custody definitely makes sense,” the insider shared with In Touch.

After a fight, Sam moved out and filed for divorce. Now it has become clear that the reason for the divorce was domestic violence, and on the part of Britney. Spears cannot be called harmless. Just recently she caused a row at the hotel. The singer got into a fight with the staff and her boyfriend and injured her leg. After all this, she accused her mother of wanting to take custody of her. Later it became known that Britney was not going to treat the fracture. On her page, she stated that she was waiting for her body to heal on its own.

Britney Spears got into a fight at a hotel again and went to the hospital

Britney Spears' loved ones have started talking about conservatorship again. Here it’s not about money, since it tends to run out, but about the singer’s safety. True, there have been no official statements yet. Everything is just at the level of rumors.

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