Dream job with sea view (3 photos)

22 May 2024

In Germany, a rare vacancy has broken a record among candidates.

The potential caretaker was required to be in good physical shape, as he had to climb 161 steps several times every day. Other tasks include selling tickets and souvenirs, accompanying tourists, cleaning and minor repairs, and maintaining the garden.

A competition for the position of lighthouse keeper has been announced in Germany. 1100 people applied for it

Thus, in Germany, on the island of Wangerooge in the North Sea, a position became vacant for the keeper of an ancient 19th-century lighthouse. The structure has not been used for navigation for many years. Now the lighthouse has been converted into a museum, a wedding hall has been placed there and an observation deck has been built for tourists.

The potential caretaker was required to be in good physical shape, as he had to climb 161 steps several times a day. The caretaker must also sell tickets and souvenirs, accompany tourists, clean, carry out minor repairs, and take care of the garden.

You can't live in a lighthouse. The caretaker is given an apartment in one of the houses on the island. In total, about 1000 residents live there.

The supervisor's salary is from 2,500 euros per month.

Over the three months of the competition, an unexpectedly large number of applications were received for this position - more than 1,100.

Local authorities conducted 45 interviews and selected Daniel Jochheim, a young father from western Germany. He will be released on June 1st. His wife and children will move to Wangerooge later.

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