Soldiers of the 93rd Mechanized Infantry Brigade, with the help of anti-tank systems and FPV drones, repelled an assault by Russian armored vehicles near Andreevka in the Donetsk region

20 May 2024
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Soldiers of the 93rd Mechanized Brigade, with the help of the Javelin, Stugna ATGMs and FPV drones, destroyed several units of Russian armored vehicles that tried to storm the positions of the Kholodnoyarsk troops in the Donetsk region. The corresponding video was published by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Censor.NET reports.

Among the burned equipment in the area of ​​the village of Andreevka, Donetsk region, there was also a so-called “turtle tank”, covered with metal plates, which, of course, did not help it.

Our soldiers also burned one BTR-82 and one BMP-2, and the entire enemy infantry was sent to hell.

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