An impressive set of construction kits based on the “Lord of the Rings” universe (6 photos + 1 video)
LEGO showed a large Lord of the Rings set with the recognizable fortress of Sauron and the glowing All-Seeing Eye. The height of the toy structure is impressive.
From the large set The Lord of the Rings: Barad-dûr you can assemble the iconic fortress of Sauron and the glowing All-Seeing Eye located on its top.
The set, consisting of 5,471 parts and ten character figures, will cost $460.
The building model is divided into several floors, which include an armory and forge, a prison, a dining hall, a throne room and a library. LEGO said the castle gates open automatically.

A short overview on the topic. Impatient watch from 2:50
The set includes 5,471 pieces, as well as ten action figures, including Gollum, Frodo, Sam, the Dark Lord and several orcs. Some characters can be equipped with accessories.

Dimensions of the entire installation: 45x30x83 centimeters. She received an age rating of "18+"

Worldwide sales of The Lord of the Rings: Barad-dûr set will begin on June 4 - its cost will be $460.