In London, motorists used drones to fight traffic cameras (2 photos + 3 videos)
As we all remember, the fiercest enemy for the environment is the Europeans.
The London administration considered that cars terribly pollute the atmosphere, but they also refused to transfer the population to horses, and there was no money to give everyone an electric car for free. So they came up with an elegant plan to save fresh air in the city.
Since August 29, 2023, several thousand cameras have been installed on city roads that record this most harmful emission. And whoever has a big one will have to pay fines, well, more precisely, a tax of 12.5 pounds sterling per day. Failure to pay a fine on time will result in a further fine for failure to pay the previous one in the amount of £180. If you haven’t paid in 28 days, you’ll already owe £270.
There is also a fee for motorcycles, some categories of buses and trucks.
But the local residents were not very happy about this and declared war.
Since the Low Emissions Act (ULEZ) came into force, approximately three thousand cameras have been destroyed, while no more than 500 have been recovered.

To understand the scale, here are some numbers. According to Transport for London (TfL), around 93,700 vehicles a day fail to meet Ulez standards, 80,000 of which are in the extended zone (where there are cameras).
Motorists systematically break cameras almost every night. Even drones are entering.
Five people were arrested in criminal damage charges related to Ulez cameras.
Well, it’s very convenient - I put the box on the camera and saved the family budget. Although this is, of course, very undemocratic and not environmentally friendly, we condemn them.