What the girl Pippi looks like in various film adaptations (11 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
31 May 2024

The girl named Pippi, nicknamed Longstocking, was invented by Swedish children's writer Astrid Lindgren. In general, in the original the girl’s name is Pippi, but the translators decided to translate her as Pippi in order to avoid connotations.

Everyone knows who Pippi is, since they probably read the book as a child. Or even watched the movie. Or both.

Let's talk about films, or rather about those films in which you can see the girl Pippi Longstocking.

What should she look like? In the book there is no special attention to her appearance, and therefore she looks the way everyone imagines her.

Pippi is a little red-haired, freckled girl who lives alone in the Chicken Villa in a small Swedish town with her animals: a monkey. Mr. Nilsson and the horse.

Pippi Longstocking, 1949

The film was shot in Sweden. The main role was played by Vivica Serlacius. Oddly enough, at the time of filming she was already 25 years old.

This is what a child looks like in her performance. But, apparently, it was necessary.

Pippi Longstocking, 1969 - TV series

It seems to me that the most suitable film adaptation of the work from the Swedes. The main role was played by Inger Nielsen.

There is a suitable retelling of the book, and quite adequately created images.

Adventures in a city that doesn't exist, 1974

This Soviet film is not about Pippi at all, but she is one of the heroes. The role of Pippi was played by Tatyana Prusakova.

Pippi Longstocking, 1984

Soviet film adaptation of the work. Starring Svetlana Stupak.

And it seems that the child actors were chosen well, but the soundstage filming looks rather lackluster.

The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking, 1988

Film produced in the USA. The main role was played by Tami Erin.

Quite a good adaptation. But the actress is a couple of years older than her character. Or maybe that's how it should be.

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