A selection of creepy photos in which there is nothing scary (14 photos)

Category: Terrible, PEGI 16
4 April 2024

We invite you to look at a selection of creepy photographs in which in reality there is nothing scary... almost... nothing scary. After all, fear is a very interesting thing. A person without any phobia can be scared by completely harmless things. Even a child's doll and a potato can make us squeal at the perfect moment. Let's see what scared the authors of these pictures.

I saw this at night in my neighbor's backyard

The potatoes were just trying to find soil...

A close-up of a wolf spider... and a guaranteed nightmare. Reminds me a bit of an owl, doesn't it?

Sleep Paralysis Demon

Tongue in the tree

In fact, this is the common liverwort, which here looks like a tongue.

Classic (terrifying) Australia

Fear #33: Getting stuck in an escalator

Mannequins in Japan

Mother centipede protects her babies

Dental model from the 1900s

Bear Robber

The author wrote that for a long time the bear watched him play video games. In the end, the clubfoot seized the moment and climbed into the house, having eaten and “doing business.”

Creepy mold that has formed on a plate of unused cat food

And again Australia


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