14 plants that are not friendly, but still look amazing (15 photos)

Category: Nature, PEGI 0+
28 March 2024

Parasitic plants are amazing organisms that can survive and develop at the expense of other representatives of the flora. They have adapted to a parasitic lifestyle by extracting essential nutrients from their hosts. Among them we can distinguish both parasites that are completely dependent on other plants, and those that have retained the ability to photosynthesize (therefore they only partially infect their victims).

Parasitic plants can cause significant damage to domestic and wild crops. However, despite their rather hostile nature, they often have an extraordinary and sometimes even attractive appearance that literally attracts attention. Did you think that parasites look like ordinary weeds? No, they are much more interesting.


A colorful plant native to Western Australia. In fact, it does not have its own root system, but is only attached by shoots to the roots of the “hosts”.


A perennial parasitic plant that attacks flowering plants. It is actively used in cosmetology and medicine.

Holoparasite Hyobanche sanguinea

The plant grows in South Africa. This is a root parasite that cannot carry out photosynthesis. Appears above the ground only during flowering.


A parasite that attaches to other plants using special suckers. It is characterized by incredibly fast growth.


This plant looks like a real nightmare, as its appearance resembles a strange creature. Hydnora spends most of its life underground. Only the top remains on the surface. The plant emits an unpleasant smell of rotten meat, thus attracting beetles, flies and other insects.


Mistletoe can parasitize both deciduous and coniferous trees. Has the shape of a ball.


A small parasitic plant that attacks the branches and stems of legumes. Blooms form inside the “host”. As they mature, they burst out.

Palm holder

This plant lives under the cistus bushes, shamelessly parasitizing on its roots. However, for such beauty, it seems that everything can be forgiven.


An unusual plant that shows only its upper part during flowering. Prosopanche produces an aroma reminiscent of pineapple.


The plant boasts some of the largest petals in the world. Their diameter is 60-100 centimeters.


A rather creepy land plant that looks like a real sea creature. Just look at his amazing tentacles. An interesting feature of rhizantes is that it does not have roots, stems, leaves or the ability to photosynthesize. It parasitizes the roots of some types of grapes. It is also able to reproduce heat and regulate this temperature at its own discretion.


A plant that primarily parasitizes vines. Remarkable for its bright red flowers.


For many centuries, Cynomorium was considered a mushroom and not a plant. However, over time, scientists were still able to figure out its identity. The plant is native to Asia, Greece and Mongolia.


The plant is a perennial creeping shrub with unusual spiny fruits. It is found in the USA and northern Mexico.

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