Bodybuilder condemned for posing in bikini in front of teenage son (6 photos + 1 video)
Australian fitness activist Sophie Guidolin has sparked outrage online after posting a video of herself posing for the camera in a bikini in front of her son. The woman was advised to behave more decently.
Fitness activist Sophie Guidolin recently posted a video of herself posing in a bikini in front of her son. With this accompanying inscription.
“When your mother is a professional in the IFBB (International Federation of Fitness and Bodybuilding) fitness bikini category”
Sharing the video, she also said that she had received criticism in the past for wearing a bikini in front of her son.
“I remember how the media tried to shame me for wearing a bikini in front of my son... forgetting that I #ifbbbbikinipro and do it as a sport,” he wrote. “My son doesn’t sexualize my body, so why do others do it?” That, my friends, is 13 years of hard work.”
However, Sophie forgot what the Internet was. Her video caused a mixed reaction!
“What a horror. I feel sorry for you and your son”, “This is not age appropriate”, “The last thing I wanted to see was my mom in a thong... let alone post it on social media where people could see it my friends,” these were the comments that poured in in response.
But the woman also received a lot of support. She was praised for her hard work, called an amazing athlete and wrote that her son must be very proud of her.
Sophie, a 34-year-old mother of four, is the founder of an online fitness and health program called The Bod.
“My fitness journey began in 2012 when I entered my first ever fitness competition,” she writes on her website. - After winning numerous titles and world rankings (I know this is not true, but I want you to understand that I am completely dedicated to this!) I decided to develop my own training and nutrition programs that would help women change their lives, achieve goals and regain self-confidence. Today, THE BOD is helping thousands of women around the world achieve their fitness and health goals, and I couldn’t be prouder of my girl athletes.”

This is not the first time that Sophie posts videos and photographs of her teenage son that have provoked controversy on social networks. Sophie is used to this and she always has a response to haters:
“We live on the Gold Coast of Australia. Where to wear a bikini to the beach is so par for the course that I didn't even think about attaching any kind of explanation to my bikini photos. I have no problem walking around like this in front of my sons. If you have such problems, you should seriously think about it!”

Sophie then asked the teenager how he felt when she put on a bikini in front of him and hugged him.
“Fine,” he replied.