John Middleton and other mythical and real giants (8 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
19 March 2024

At what height can a person be called a giant?

There are no exact numbers. But usually giants are people no shorter than 210 centimeters.

Battle of David and Goliath

Giants have existed for thousands of years, throughout the entire history of human existence. And not only in mythology.

Perhaps the first true giant to have written evidence of existence was the biblical Goliath. Goliath was “more than six cubits tall,” which equates to approximately 290 centimeters. At first this seems like a big exaggeration, and it is, but you need to understand that people with gigantism never stop growing. Robert Wadlow, the tallest man whose existence is documented, was almost 275 centimeters tall before his death at the age of twenty-two.

Robert Wadlow

That is, if he had lived at least a few more years, it is likely that he would have overcome the three-meter mark. Moreover, early records of people taller than 270-280 centimeters are quite numerous, although doubtful.

Saint Christopher

The great writer Pliny the Elder mentions in his work Naturalis historia that during the reign of Claudius - 41-54. n. e. - a gigantic man almost three meters tall named Gabbaras was brought to Rome from Arabia. Claudius immediately placed the giant at the head of his famous legions, and he so amazed his followers that a cult of worship quickly arose around him.

Other reliable evidence includes the fact that the Sir John Soane Museum in London houses an Egyptian sarcophagus made for a three-meter man.

Less reliable evidence includes Saint Christopher, who lived in the third century, who was also said to be a giant man. He is credited with a height of almost 4 meters, but more plausible is information from later sources, where the giant shrank to about 240 centimeters. There is also some evidence that the height of Emperor Maximilian was close to 2.5 meters.

John Middleton

The case of John Middleton is quite well documented. Middleton was an English giant, popularly known as the Child of Hale. He lived in the village of Hayle, near Liverpool, from 1578 to 1623. They said that Middleton had grown to 280 centimeters. And this is not only according to legends and traditions about him, it is indicated on his tombstone.

Bronze sculpture of John Middleton in Hale

Because of his size, Lancashire Sheriff Gilbert Ireland hired John as a bodyguard. King James I, who learned about the giant, invited them both to court. And in 1620, John and Gilbert arrived for an audience with the ruler.

Wooden sculpture of John, formerly located opposite the church

Middleton defeated the royal champion and broke the man's thumb in the process. As a reward he received 20 pounds sterling - a large sum at that time. Unfortunately, jealous of his wealth, Middleton's friends robbed him or tricked him out of his money on his way back to Hale.

Grave at St Mary's Church

John Middleton died in poverty in 1623. He was buried in the churchyard of St Mary's Church, Hayle. The tombstone reads: “Here lies the body of John Middleton, Child of Hale. Nine feet three inches. Born in 1578, died in 1623."

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