Landlords who are guided by the principle “this will do!” (16 photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
12 March 2024

There is nothing better than that feeling of freedom when you leave your parents' house for the first time. However, the joy of “adult life” quickly fades away when you find yourself alone with everyday problems and endless bills. And if you think that the landlord will at least help you with repairs in your rented apartment, I hasten to please you - he doesn’t care. And here are 15 photos that will prove it.

1. How to get rid of uninvited guests: "To ring the bell, connect the wires"

2. When you ask to fix the sink faucet

3. A subtle hint from the landlord that he doesn't like it when tenants have too many guests. Sheldon is indignant

4. What is this? Shower for ants?

5. One could have guessed that this design was doomed to failure, since the process of its installation was filmed

6. You said yourself that you want a toilet with a beautiful view.

7. That awkward moment when you discover that the “thermostat” has been hanging on a nail all this time and is in no way responsible for the temperature in the room

8. Let's hope she's "night"

9. Unexpected twist: both are not responsible for anything

10. The electricity bill is higher, there’s no point... Yes, I did everything right

11. Scotch tape is the second best invention of mankind

12. A bottle of water along with a fire extinguisher - why not?

13. You live with 7 cats, why do you need privacy?

14. “Everything was like that when you moved in.”

15. It seems like it's Christmas and someone is waiting for two robbers to appear.

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