A Chinese company donated cash envelopes worth 1.2 million yuan in honor of March 8 (3 photos + 1 video)
A corporate event is a complicated matter, but can you imagine how you have to congratulate lovely ladies if there are 1,500 of them in production?
Henan Mining Crane Co., Ltd. from Henan Province has been congratulating its employees on International Women's Day for 22 years since its founding.
It is an industrial enterprise mainly engaged in the design, production and sales of mining source bridges, gantry cranes, electric hoists and their accessories.
The production employs 3,100 people and 1,500 of them are women, so congratulating everyone at once is a really difficult process.
But this year the management decided not to limit itself to bouquets, but gave all the employees a small cash gift - 800 yuan (RUR 10,000) in a red envelope.
Well, the shock workers were given 2000 yuan in cash and 1500 yuan for workers with not so high performance.
It looks very large.
The company management thanked everyone for their good work. After the official part, there was a speech by the factory workers and a small banquet.

"Whether in a company or in a family, pay attention to your own words, actions and dress, respect your parents and in-laws, be harmonious among your neighbors, resolve conflicts in the family, and have the courage to take on family and work responsibilities." - says the congratulation to the dear ladies. Harsh, but to the point.