25 people who pulled out a lucky ticket in the food lottery (26 photos)

Category: Food, Records, PEGI 0+
5 March 2024

They say the chances of winning the lottery are extremely low. However, if you bet on food, you can quite possibly hit the jackpot!

1. “Recipe: Use two cloves of garlic. I understood"

2. “Just look at these carrots! Banana for scale"

3. “I found a pearl in an oyster.”

4. “Muesli with strawberries. There are more berries than anything else"

5. “Lucky with an avocado this morning.”

6. “I grew a 19.5-inch cucumber (goat for scale).”

7. “Huge Blackberries”

8. “My husband saw this and asked the cashier if there was a mistake. She said, “That’s the sticker price, if you don’t buy it, I will!”

9. “Thought you might like this giant 2.3kg lemon. The fruit is from a tree that grows in my daughter-in-law's yard. Regular sized lemon for scale"

10. “I ordered a 12-pack of ramen for $3 to get free shipping. They only billed for one, but they sent 144 packs.”

11. “I ordered food from fast food. The rice container was 100 percent full."

12. “What a berry!”

13. “Potatoes are the size of my forearm.”

14. “This is an “average” ice cream cone. On the big one there’s one more portion on top.”

15. “I asked for 8 bananas in my weekly grocery order..... They sent me 8 bunches and only charged me $0.68, the cost of one banana.”

16. “I asked for more roast beef on my sandwich. I was expecting about 1/3 more beef but got a lot more. And the surcharge was only $0.50.”

17. “What luck!”

18. “I asked my husband to buy some ginger. He brought one thing"

19. “A giant blueberry I found today.”

20. “I think I won the watermelon lottery.”

21. “A giant head of garlic I found at the farmers market.”

22. “My friend asked for chicken pizza in Israel.”

23. “The pepperoni pizza my brother ordered.”

24. “I asked for extra cream cheese on my bagel. I think they overdid it."

25. “Biggest winter melon I’ve ever grown.”in her life and it's still growing"

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