If you love to print, you also love to pay money: HP launched a subscription to printers (3 photos)

5 March 2024

Welcome to the world of the market-subscription economy.

HP CEO Enrique Lorres decided to keep up with trends and said in January that the company would soon launch a subscription service for its printers. No sooner said than done, get it and sign it. This week, the manufacturer realized its idea and introduced the All-In Plan tariff, which allows you to print a certain number of documents monthly.

Three models are available with a subscription: HP Envy, HP Envy Inspire and HP OfficeJet Pro.

The subscription price depends on the printer model and the number of pages required. For example: - HP Envy - 20 pages per month costs $6.99; - HP OfficeJet Pro - 20 pages per month cost $12.99; - The most expensive plan for 700 pages per month costs $35.99.

If you print fewer pages than your plan, they will roll over to the next month, but the maximum number of pages you can roll over during your subscription is three times the number on your plan.

If you need to print more pages than included in the plan, you will have to pay extra or change your plan. For example, for an HP Envy plan that costs $8.99 for 50 pages per month, an additional ten pages will cost $1.

It's worth noting that free ink and maintenance are included in the price.

Also, if the client changes his mind and refuses to subscribe to the printer, the printer will be blocked and he will be forced to pay a penalty - in some cases it can reach up to $270.

Western users, to put it mildly, are shocked, indignant and assure that this is not the world in which they would like to live.

1 comment
5 March 2024
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Поводять себе так ніби вони монополісти на цьому ринку, а їх товар життєво важливий. А не пішли би ви зі своєю нестриманою жадібністю
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