Special forces from the Stugna ATGM destroyed six enemy armored vehicles and a crew of aerial reconnaissance aircraft near Avdeevka

3 March 2024
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Soldiers of the first assault detachment of the Special Purpose Center "OMEGA" from the Stugna anti-tank missile system destroyed six enemy armored vehicles and a crew of aerial reconnaissance aircraft in the Avdiivka direction.

As Censor.NET reports, NSU commander Alexander Pivnenko announced this on his page on social networks and published a video recording of fragments of the combat work of special forces.

“In the dark, a combat group with the Stugna ATGM entered pre-prepared positions with the goal of destroying enemy equipment. The calculations of our special forces were correct. In the morning, the movement of enemy equipment, which was moving in a column, was discovered. The professional training and composure of our guys did their job, "3 waves of attack were repelled and 6 units of equipment were destroyed. To detect the position of our special forces, the enemy used aerial reconnaissance officers who tried to direct FPV drones at the positions of our fighters, however, as a result, an accurate shot destroyed the shelter where the enemy FPV drone pilots were hiding," Pivnenko noted in the comments.
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