Why do cockroaches come back even if the house is sterile? (5 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
22 February 2024

If you clean your apartment well, then there won’t be any cockroaches, right? And here are the figurines! Cockroaches can enter your property, even if it is sterile. They will just do it in raids. For a week you collect insects on the walls and scatter traps with poison. And after a couple of months they are visiting you again. Why does this annoying abomination always come back?

Well, why are you standing on the threshold? Come in, make yourself at home!

There are several reasons, and we will start with the saddest one. Your apartment is less clean than you think. Don't get me wrong, I don't think you're dirty, it's just that cockroaches are VERY undemanding when it comes to food. One bread crumb is enough for a large cockroach to eat for several days. And if the insects gained access to the cookie supply, then all hell breaks loose. So it turns out that a small population of cockroaches can live even in a clean, well-renovated apartment.

Drinking tea with cake is a great way to satisfy a slight feeling of hunger and calm your nerves!

And your six-legged neighbors will turn any mistake you make to their advantage. Whatever you say, their fertility is insane. At a time, a female red cockroach lays up to 40 eggs, the vast majority of which will successfully hatch in 2-3 weeks. The cockroach matron carries her babies with her in an ootheca - a special pouch attached to the tip of the insect's abdomen. And it's very convenient. The eggs will not be stumbled upon by a house spider, nor will they be eaten by silverfish or other starving cockroaches. In addition, the ootheca perfectly protects the offspring from toxic substances. As a result, insecticides that are guaranteed to kill the female will not necessarily kill her cubs.

By the way, not only cockroaches have oothecae, but also praying mantises and mollusks.

And females with ootheca simply love to travel. Their evolutionary mechanism of settlement is as follows. The “pregnant” lady goes far away, “gives birth” to a baby there and that’s it, a new population of pests is founded. In their wanderings, insects travel hundreds of meters. If there is at least one infected apartment in a multi-story building, the entire area is at risk.

Cockroaches, ootheca and cockroaches.

But there is a third reason for the sudden appearance of Stasiks in your possessions: they are waiting out the gas attack! Insects are not fools; when their habitat is treated with toxic substances, they collect the debris and quickly get out of the affected area. Even despite the effectiveness of modern poisons, someone will have time to run away to their neighbors.

Disinsection with cold fog is one of the relatively modern methods of cleaning premises.

The last case is the most pleasant for you personally. When the poison dissipates, the insects will almost certainly return to their homeland, and your home will become quiet again. But at the same time, there is always a chance that they will decide to stay a little longer. Before you know it, saffron milk caps will become your regular guests!

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