Russia is recruiting mercenaries in Syria for the war against Ukraine, - GUR MO

10 February 2024
Russia is recruiting mercenaries in Syria for the war against Ukraine. Travel companies are involved in the recruitment scheme. Syrians are issued Russian passports under an accelerated procedure within 5 days.

According to Ukrainian intelligence, training is taking place on Syrian territory near the city of Aleppo and the Kuweires airfield. The first batch (about 1,000 mercenaries) is undergoing training with an emphasis on conducting combat operations in urban areas, notes the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Moscow Region.

After completing the exercises, the militants will be taken to the Khmeimim airbase, and from there to Russia. Upon arrival, they are given Russian passports and then mobilized into the occupation army.

The Main Intelligence Directorate published a video where Syrians were given Russian passports, which were issued in five days.

The intelligence press service notes that Moscow recruits Syrians into the army through travel companies. The GUR explains that mercenaries are first promised work as security guards at oil refineries in Yakutia, and then they are recruited for “higher paid jobs” in Buryatia.

In Ulan-Ud, certified mercenaries will be mobilized into the 5th Separate Guards Tank Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces (military unit 46108) and further participate in hostilities in Ukraine.

“The recruitment of Syrians for the war indicates a deterioration in the moral and psychological state of the Russian occupation forces due to large-scale losses and the need to replenish them for further meat assaults,” notes the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense.
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