A selection of animals that are included in the TOP most “uncute” (16 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
6 February 2024

Lookism (discrimination based on appearance) concerns not only the human world, but also animals. It is clear that against the backdrop of puppet cats and dogs, some... aardvark will look like an “ugly duckling” and an outcast. Stop tolerating this and away with unpleasant stereotypes. There are no ugly animals! Yes, all these guys from the selection look unusual. But they have unfairly gained the reputation of being the most "unlikable". Let's support these amazing animals.


This strange baby looks like a pig, a hare and a kangaroo. Lives on the African continent. Incredibly shy and cautious, so it is extremely difficult to meet it in the wild.


The proud marabou predator can easily scare any person with its sudden appearance. These birds are quite large in size (about 9 kilograms) and are not the most good-natured. Just look at the huge and thick beak of the marabou and its terrible throat pouch.

Titicaca Whistler

A large frog that lives exclusively within the water. Scientists have never seen this loupe on the surface. Many people find the whistler's appearance repulsive. Others, on the contrary, find him quite cute.

Snake-necked turtle

At first glance, this turtle does not seem creepy at all. However, exactly until she stretches her neck.

Tenrec striped

Chinese giant salamander

Margach or saiga

The main feature of saigas is their disproportionately large head, as well as a soft, mobile proboscis.

Hammerhead fruit bat


It is curious that in females of this species the nose is only slightly elongated and turned up. In males it is swollen and huge.

Roxellanov's rhinopithecus

Blue-faced, snub-nosed monkeys are found only in Asia.


The tarsier has the largest eyes relative to body size of any mammal. Apparently, because of this feature, his appearance seems so strange. Of course, long and thin limbs add additional color.

Andean condor

Pale Saki

Nature has endowed the eerie white mask exclusively with the males of this species.

Water deer

This vampire deer eats exclusively plant foods. His miraculous fangs are used in skirmishes with other deer and animals.

Naked mole rat

Bald uakari

The skin on a monkey's face is devoid of pigment. But the capillary network underneath is perfectly translucent, which is why the animal has such an unusual red mask.

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