Stubborn drivers in Russia stood on the road for three hours, not wanting to give way to each other

2 February 2024

The endurance duel began around 10:30 p.m. and ended after 2 a.m.

The most principled drivers were found in Kazan on Fuchik Street. In one of the courtyards, two cars met: a Granta and a Nissan Beetle. We met, but couldn’t leave. More precisely, they didn’t want to, because... each believed that the other should give way to him.

And the confrontation began. The fight was long and exhausting, with an appeal to conscience, attempts to objectively look at the situation, and even calling on friends for help. Nothing helped. None of the drivers wanted to give up and stood their ground. Then, as the media write, the opponents decided to invite the police - they say, let the law enforcement officers decide the dispute. The latter were in no hurry, and after waiting in the cold for three hours, the drivers spat on principles and drove off. It is not reported who finally gave way.

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Спанч Боб
3 February 2024
2 717 comments
У цілому нині (по ПДР) Жук мав поступитися-т.к. він об'їжджає припарковані авто(перешкоду). Але це не цікаво - коли є 3 години на тупість!)))
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