What would the heroes of The Witcher series look like if they corresponded to the book description (16 photos)

28 January 2024

Did you read The Witcher before there were video games and TV series based on it? If so, then everyone probably has their own idea of the characters’ appearance. Although Sapkowski described the characters in some detail, the creators of both video games and TV series took a very liberal approach to casting and creating images. For example, the same Geralt from Rivia. He is described as a tall, slender and thin man who was unpleasant and unsociable. However, he had a peculiar charm that the ladies (not all) liked. And then Netflix shows us a giant handsome Henry Cavallia in a white wig and strange armor. And good old Dandelion, although he was as handsome as an elf, was still a 41-year-old man, not a youth. A Reddit user with the nickname awgnnerd, using a neural network, decided to try to create a hero of the Witcher saga, according to the description from the books. It turned out... controversial!

Geralt of Rivia

Those who have read The Witcher will most likely call this result a failure, because the famous White Wolf turned out to be too Hollywood.

Yennefer of Vengerberg


Green eyes and ashen hair are the distinctive features of the appearance of the heiress to the Cintra throne. In any case, the Lion Cub from Cintra turned out to be very tender and feminine. But was she like that in the books?

Queen Calanthe

Princess Renfri

Renfri is described as a very tall, almost Geralt-sized, thin and lithe attractive young woman. She has uneven, short-cropped straw-colored hair and sea-green eyes.


Cahir is described as a young black-haired youth (he is not yet thirty) with beautiful dark blue eyes. Perhaps you guessed it right.

Triss Merigold


Fringilla Vigo



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