The Russian occupier and administrator of the Telegram channel “Moisey” died as a result of a Ukrainian FPV drone hitting a building

25 January 2024
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The Russian occupiers, in particular the UAV operator with the call sign “Moses,” were hiding in a two-story private house. There they were found by a Defense Force drone.

A Defense Forces drone shot down an enemy crew of UAV operators on the left bank of the Dnieper. A video of the Ukrainian military’s remarkable work was published online.

The footage taken from a drone shows that a group of occupiers was located in the garage of one of the private houses. The occupants moved around in the yard and each time closed the roller doors to the garage. But at some point, one of them forgot to do this, and a Ukrainian drone took advantage of this. It flew straight into the invaders' hiding place and exploded there.

As a result of the attack, the Russian enemy UAV crew ceased to exist. The Russian drone operator “Moisey” was eliminated, which tracked boats with Ukrainian troops and boasted about it on his Telegram channel. "Moses" and its crew were destroyed by soldiers of the 35th Marine Brigade, who are located on the left bank of the Dnieper.

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