The guy sued 27 women he dated (4 photos)

24 January 2024

31-year-old American Nicco D'Ambrosio wants to sue $75,000 from the women he dated. The guy was offended by the negative comments that ladies left about him in a group on social networks.

31-year-old American Nicco D'Ambrosio sued 27 women, demanding $75 million from them for negative comments on social networks. The girls wrote negative “reviews” about him in a city social media group with more than 80,000 members - and, according to the guy, they ruined his reputation, subjected him to slander and emotional suffering. The lawsuit names both the group's moderators and a male relative of one of the women, as well as several websites associated with the group.

D'Ambrosio claims the "slander" began in November when one of the defendants, with whom he had gone on several dates, posted a photo of him making "false" statements on the group page, then removed it and reposted it anonymously after he contacted her. Here's what the girls wrote about him in the group:

“We met in Chicago 2.5 months ago. He was very persistent. He constantly boasted about his money and said that I wouldn’t like his dark side,” one of the girls wrote.

“When I blocked him, he texted me from another number with insults,” wrote another.

“And this guy and I met several times a year ago. He told me what I wanted to hear then. When we slept together, he disappeared,” writes another lady.

“He’s been posted here several times already. One girl said that he sent her a bunch of insulting messages because she refused to spend the night with him,” writes another commentator.

According to D'Ambrosio, he contacted support with a request to remove his photos and comments, but to no avail. He also claims that through these groups, women anonymously "discuss and disparage men with whom they have allegedly had unsatisfactory dating experiences" without "independent fact-checking." According to the guy, the creators of the group are also to blame - they allow women to do all this “for their own benefit” and for commercial purposes.

D'Ambrosio is seeking an injunction to stop the publication of any other "false statements" about him, as well as $75,000 in damages. His claim is currently pending.

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