A snake snuck onto a plane and scared passengers (3 photos + 1 video)
On January 13, passengers on an AirAsia Airbus A320 afternoon flight from Bangkok to Phuket experienced a minor shock. During the flight, they noticed above the upper compartment, it is unknown how a snake got there.
The plot is just like from the horror movie “Snake Flight”, only there was a whole plane of poisonous reptiles. But even one snake is not a big joy. The frightened passengers, who were directly below her, jumped out of their seats and crowded in the aisle.
Fortunately, the brave flight attendant reacted to the emergency situation quickly and clearly - she reached for the snake and, using an empty plastic bottle, pushed it into the bag. The bag with the reptile was tightly tied and put away in the closet.
Passengers shared their emotions:
“I cowered with fear when I saw the snake. I don’t like those creepy crawly things at the best of times, and even more so when it’s over your head... I was relieved when it was removed.”
“The flight attendant was calm and professional. But I twitched every time I felt something, thinking there might be another snake on the plane.”
“I watched a movie about snakes on a plane, but I never thought that this could happen to me in real life. What a start to my beach trip!”

After landing, staff from Phuket International Airport boarded the plane. They inspected the passengers' carry-on luggage to make sure that one of them had not carried the snake. But everything was clean - the reptile made its way on board on its own.
It was later identified as Blanford's snake. This is a species of harmless snake of the Colubrid family. It is not poisonous and does not attack people.