Ghostbusters: students from Thailand opened a profitable business (3 photos + 1 video)

22 January 2024

Two fellow 3rd year graduate students at the Rajamangala Lanna Technological University decided that it was a waste of time to waste when they could make good money on human superstitions.

20-year-olds Wifei Cheng and Setthawut Boonprakhong came up with a brilliant plan. They spend the night in rooms where people died for money, thereby checking whether there are otherworldly creatures in it. To make it more convincing, the entire process is filmed and reviewed; if paranormal phenomena are not detected on the video, then the owner of the premises is issued a certificate that there are no ghosts, specters and other mystical companions in his house/hotel/shop.

The fact is that a large number of residents of the country sincerely believe that after death the souls of the dead do not rest, but remain at the place of death and then do dirty tricks on the new residents in every possible way. And who wants to buy an apartment with a ghost or spend the night in a hotel with a ghost? So the guys’ business is going well, and there are no problems with what to do in the evening.

Guys advertise their services on social networks

True, as the “hunters” themselves say, during their entire short career they have not encountered paranormal phenomena, and they don’t really believe in them, but as long as they are paid for this work, they will continue their work.

We wish them to find their Casper, or at worst Lizun.

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