Exotic rare monster delicacy from Japan (9 photos + 1 video)

Category: Terrible, PEGI 16
12 January 2024

The feeling of disgust and gastronomic ecstasy is caused by a creature with the unpronounceable name Odontamblyopus lacepedii. At least according to the Japanese, who are experts in culinary perversions.

The nightmare warasubo fish chose the quiet mud pools of the Japanese Sea of Ariake (a bay in the west of Kyushu) as its habitat. Warasubo belongs to the goby family, the representatives of which, in principle, are distinguished by their peculiar appearance.


But this one is ahead of the rest. And even galaxies, since many who have seen the fish in person compare it with the famous character - Alien.


The long - up to 30 centimeters - carcass of the warasubo is brownish-gray, just to help reliably camouflage in mud pits. There are lilac-purple spots on the skin, and organs are visible from the inside. But the icing on the cake is the impressive mouth with its unevenly spaced sharp teeth.

The fish are quite smart and equip complex systems of vertical burrows on the tidal sea plains, into which from three to seven passages can lead.

In the process of evolution, mud monsters practically lost their organs of vision. The eyes were reduced to two barely noticeable sketchy dots. In general, vigilance is not particularly needed to dig tunnels. As for hunting: warasubo crawl out of their hiding places during high tide and grab any object with signs of movement. And the tooth picket leaves no chance for crabs, shellfish and small fish.

From the start of the rainy season until summer, blind monster fishing is booming. And you can try warasubo dishes in any restaurant or cafe. The fish is used to make soups and sushi, dried, and added in powder form to a variety of dishes, from noodles to drinks. For exotic lovers, they even prepare energy tinctures based on toothy fish.

To finally make tourists swoon with delight, some restaurants serve fish while still alive. So she effectively opens her fanged mouth, inviting her to a meal.

Many Japanese claim that seafood tastier than that from the Ariake Sea simply does not exist in nature.

Would you risk trying such a toothy weirdo?

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