Former rugby player jumped with a parachute - and took the ball with him (4 photos + 1 video)

Category: Sports, PEGI 0+
12 January 2024

Famous former rugby player Iestin Lewis skydived from 7,000 meters. He decided to do this for charity. Even at such a height, he did not part with the main attribute of the game of rugby - the ball.

Former Bath rugby player Iestin Lewis parachuted from 7,000 meters with a rugby ball. He made the jump near Everest in the Himalayas, in temperatures of minus 30 degrees. And all this is part of a charity event supporting children in need. Lewis described it as "the most frightening but exciting moment of my life."

"When I was at an altitude of 7,000 meters, fear took over me. But I knew that there was only one way - down. At first I heard nothing, tumbling in the sky, but when I got the hang of it, I enjoyed the most incredible views imaginable, " - said the athlete.

During the jump, Lewis did not part with the main attribute of the game: he was holding a rugby ball in his hand. As the athlete said, he has been supporting a charity organization helping children for many years. He has now raised over £24,000 since his jump.

“I think this is my last chance in my life to do something so extreme, so I decided that if I were to skydive, it would be for a charity that is so close to my heart,” Lewis said.

The athlete no longer plans to jump with a parachute:

"The only thing I'll do now at 7,000 meters is enjoy a cold gin and tonic," he said.


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