The world's largest vacuum chamber

2 January 2024
Space Power Facility (SPF), located at Plum Brook Station, near Sandusky, Ohio, USA. The SPF was built by NASA in 1969 and is used to test spacecraft and other systems in vacuum conditions.

The SPF is dome-shaped with a diameter of 30 meters and a height of about 40 meters. The chamber consists of two main parts: a vacuum chamber and a test chamber. The vacuum chamber is designed to create and maintain a vacuum inside the chamber. The test chamber is designed to house spacecraft and other systems that need to be tested.

SPF can create a vacuum of up to 10-13 Pa (1.33 nPa). This means that only about 10 air molecules per cubic centimeter remain in the chamber. Such a vacuum is necessary for testing spacecraft that will operate in space, where air pressure is very low.

SPF is used to test a variety of spacecraft, including spacecraft, satellites and solar sails. The chamber is also used to test other systems that must operate in a vacuum, such as rocket engines and lasers.

SPF is an important tool for NASA and other space agencies. The camera allows testing of spacecraft and other systems in conditions that are as close as possible to space conditions. This helps ensure the safety and reliability of space technology.

Here are some of the main SPF characteristics:

Diameter: 30 meters
Height: 40 meters
Volume: 15000 cubic meters
Maximum pressure: 10-13 Pa
Use: testing spacecraft and other systems in vacuum conditions
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