After a missile attack, a Kiev resident drove his burning car out of the parking lot so that others would not catch fire.

2 January 2024
In Kyiv, after a rocket attack, a man drove his burning car out of the parking lot so that others would not catch fire.

As journalists found out, the driver turned out to be a local resident, Vasily Andreevich. The man went out into the yard when he saw the fire from the window.

I thought that the gas car had exploded, but when I went outside, I saw that someone else’s car had set mine on fire. It started to burn a little at the back.

I opened (the burning car - Ed.), connected the battery (I turn it off). Then he sat down in the cabin and, so that it would not be so dark, opened the door. He put his head forward and pushed the car towards the car wash,” the man said.

Vasily Andreevich has burns to his skin, in particular his face. But he assured the doctors that he felt fine and refused hospitalization.
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