Shannen Doherty: the path from scandalous fame to fatal illness (10 photos)

26 December 2023

Shannen Doherty is one of the actresses that everyone associates with the 1990s. After all, she was the star of two cult TV series of the era. Recently, the 52-year-old actress announced that she was expecting her imminent death. Her cancer, the fight against which she actively covered on social networks and the press, has almost completely won - her brain and bones are affected.

Children's roles

Little House on the Prairie

Shannen Doherty's parents were engaged in business and were not associated with the film industry. But even in her early years she wanted to become an actress and quite quickly got the opportunity to develop professionally. Already at the age of 10 (in 1981) she played her first roles in TV series. By the end of the 1980s, she already had an impressive portfolio and recognition thanks to the series “Our House” from 1986-1988.

Teenage years

Deadly Attraction

In 1988, Shannen Doherty received a supporting role in the successful crime comedy about schoolgirls, Deadly Attraction. She then played several leading roles in television projects.

Beverly Hills 90210

Beverly Hills 90210

The breakthrough year in her career was 1990. The actress received one of the main roles in the series about student life “Beverly Hills 90210”. It was a huge success and turned the show's only brunette, Shannen Doherty, into a youth star. In parallel with filming the series, she appeared in several not very successful crime films.

Scandalous fame

Missing in the night

Since the early 1990s, Shannen Doherty has become a constant heroine of the tabloid press. Even on the set of “Beverly Hills 90210,” the press began to exaggerate the topic of the actress’s conflicting relationships with her colleagues. The actress’s personal life also added fire to her scandalous fame. In 1993, her engagement to the heir to the Max Factor company ended in a breakup and his application to the police for a protection order from the actress. She then married actor Ashley Hamilton, but quickly divorced. The image of a dangerous girl was also supported by films in which she invariably portrayed a femme fatale.


In 1998, Shannen Doherty became the star of the TV series Charmed. This project again turned out to be not just successful, but a cult one. However, at the peak of the project’s popularity in 2000, the actress was fired due to her unresolved conflict with her colleague Alisa Milano. The producers also cited her constant tardiness and unprofessional behavior during filming. “Charmed” risked losing its popularity, but in the end it survived the replacement of the actress and the project lasted until 2006.

Solo swimming

In the early 2000s, Shannen Doherty maintained her star status for quite a long time, although she no longer received high-profile roles. For example, she could be seen in a guest role in “Jay and Silent Bob” 2001 by Kevin Smith (she had previously starred with the director in “Supermarket Party People” 1995). However, television films and television series in which Shannen Doherty was the main star did not receive much success ("Another Day" 2001, "Night Light" 2003, "The Christmas Heist" 2006, etc.) She also became the star of several reality shows, but they too did not receive much public attention.

Beverly Hills 90210 again

In 2008, Shannen Doherty played in several episodes of the reboot of the series Beverly Hills 90210: The Next Generation. And in the 2010s, she again attracted public attention thanks to her participation in the show “Dancing with the Stars,” her wedding with a photographer and active publications on social networks. In 2018, there was an unsuccessful reboot of the series “Charmed,” which the actress commented negatively on. And in 2019, together with her colleagues, she returned to filming new episodes of Beverly Hills 90210. The premiere was noisy, but the series was not successful.


Back in 2015, Shannen Doherty announced to the public about her fight against cancer. The actress openly shared information about her treatment with the press and subscribers on social networks. In 2017, the disease went into remission. But already in 2020 it became known that the cancer had returned. The actress underwent many procedures. In addition, in the same year, Shannen Doherty announced her separation from her husband. The woman found out about his two-year infidelities on the eve of another operation.


Unlike many other actresses who have become famous for their scandalous behavior, Shannen Doherty does not deny that her reputation as a bad girl is justified. She honestly admits: “I have a scandalous reputation. Do I deserve it? Yes. I’m just a different person now.” About her illness and optimistic long-term struggle, she says that she does not want to give up and appreciates every moment of her life: “I get out of bed and thank God for everything I have, without asking for anything more.” All the years of her illness, she actively supported innovative methods of treatment and says that it is a shame for modern society that we still have not learned to treat diseases such as cancer.

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