The occupiers listen to the song at a field concert a few days before their death

20 December 2023
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A video has been published online in which a unit of the invaders is entertained by Russian artists, performing a “patriotic” song whose refrain is the words “Eb#shim for NATO, fuck#shim!”

As Censor.NET reports with reference to the Butusov Plus channel, the video recording was made in early November by an occupier from the 37th Brigade of the Russian Army. A few days later, near Novodonetsk, he was liquidated by fighters of the 58th Separate Infantry Brigade named after Hetman Ivan Vygovsky.

Also see: The situation in Avdeevka is not catastrophic, the enemy’s advance area is small, it is all shot through, - Butusov.

“This video was filmed by a Russian soldier of the 37th brigade on his phone before storming the positions of soldiers of the 58th brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The footage shows the last concert in his life, which he and dozens of his comrades saw. Then, on November 11, near Novodonetsk, our soldiers destroyed enemy armored vehicles, eliminated 30 Russians, captured five, see the details of this outstanding battle in terms of tactics and organization at the link -,” the author of the publication notes in the commentary.

Attention! Profanity!
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