18 Creepy Creatures from 1980s Movies (19 Photos)

19 December 2023

It seems like it was a long time ago, but it seems like yesterday...

18. Alligator (1980)

A baby alligator was flushed down the toilet and ended up in an underground sewer system. By feeding on the bodies of animals subjected to hormonal experiments, he grew to enormous sizes. Next on his nutritious diet were the people of Chicago.

17. Wolves (1981)

What do you think a rich real estate dealer, his drug-addicted wife, and a dirty drunk from the slums have in common?

There is only one terrible circumstance: they are all victims of crimes of unheard of cruelty that shook New York!

A veteran of the “homicide department” leading the investigation soon begins to realize with horror that the sinister murders are being committed by ancient supernatural beings...

16. Howl (1980)

Numerous murders of women are being committed. The maniac is known - this is a certain Eddie, who asks the pretty journalist Karen White to meet with him. They meet, but at the sight of their interlocutor suddenly transforming into a terrible monster, Karen gets scared and calls for help. Eddie is killed by the police who arrive. After a nervous breakdown, Karen agrees to undergo treatment at Dr. Waggner's clinic. But gradually the woman begins to notice that some strange things are happening around.

15. An American Werewolf in London (1981)

Two carefree American tourists were warned that there were wild places in old England where traveling was extremely dangerous. But the cheerful overseas guys did not heed the warnings of the local residents and in the dead of night, illuminated by the dead moonlight, they left the road. An indescribable nightmare awaited them in the darkness, after which one of the friends was destined to become a ghost, and the other - a bloodthirsty werewolf.

14. Q (1982)

Strange things are happening in New York, workers of high-rise buildings are disappearing, or their bodies are being found with their heads torn off, and eyewitnesses claim to have seen a huge feathered creature. At the same time, the city police are investigating a series of strange murders, during which all the skin was methodically cut off from the victims.

Detective Shepard gradually comes to the conclusion that the murders are ritual in nature and are sacrifices to the ancient Aztec god Quetzalcoatl, depicted in ancient frescoes as a feathered serpent.

13. Creature in a Basket (1981)

Not everyone knows that Siamese twins can be not only people, but also monsters. Duane Bradley - an ordinary man and Bilail Bradley - a slippery, nasty creature with a humanoid head - Siamese twins. An attempt to separate them gave rise to a whole chain of bloody crimes committed by the evil demon Bilail. But this is just the beginning. Bilail is preparing to become a father...

12. The Thing (1982)

A team of scientists at an American research station in Antarctica will face an inexplicable nightmare. The polar explorers, cut off from the rest of the world, come to grips with an alien creature capable of taking on the guise of earthly creatures.

11. Cujo (1983)

Countryside in New England. A woman and her young son are terrorized by a huge St. Bernard named Cujo, who is bitten by a bat.

10. Gremlins (1984)

The charming fluffy animal Magwai is able to touch even a stone. In addition, he has absolute pitch. Just be careful: he can die from sunlight, you should not splash water on him, and what will happen if you feed him after midnight is simply scary to imagine.

9. Cleaver boar (1983)

Somewhere in the vast expanses of Australia, there is a terrible creature that can tear a person to shreds and destroy your home in a matter of seconds.This is a cleaver, a gigantic and merciless creature, a terrible creation of nature, a four-hundred-kilogram creature with razor-sharp fangs. When an American journalist disappears without a trace in those same places, her husband goes in search of his missing wife and finds himself in a whirlwind of nightmare and horror.

8. Return of Godzilla (1984)

After many years of silence, Godzilla reappears off the coast of Japan and destroys a fishing boat. Fearing a new outbreak of rumors and panic, Japanese authorities isolate the only surviving sailor, but after Godzilla attacks a Soviet nuclear submarine, hiding the truth becomes pointless and dangerous.

7. Tasty Rubbish (1985)

In winter in Alaska, a group of people find a sticky mass in the snow that looks like condensed milk. People try it and it turns out to be very tasty. But this mass has one interesting property - it is alive. But people don’t pay much attention to this feature.

After some time, this product is recommended for consumption throughout the country. People like it, they are ready to eat it all the time and replace all their regular food products with it. Factories are being built in the country that will produce a new food product.

Next, the film's action shifts to one family. In this family, a little boy pays attention to the peculiarity of the mass - it is alive and moves. The boy reports his observation to his parents, but they do not see any danger in this property of the mass.

But with this tasty rubbish, everything turned out to be not at all simple - people who consume it turn into soulless zombies. The parents of the boy who discovers the danger, as well as his older brother, become the same. And the boy himself is forced to run away from home.

6. Critters (1986)

They did not grow tall, but in terms of ferocity, not a single earthly creature can compare with them - these are the Critters! Furry, ruthless creatures with terrifying mouths arrived from outer space to destroy human civilization.

And they started with an ordinary farm in Kansas, where they eat everything they can get their teeth on (including people). It’s good that there are also brave heroes in space who come to the aid of frightened local residents. Only combined efforts and a cunning strategy will help defeat the voracious alien animals.

5. Aliens (1986)

Alien is a perfect organism. The perfect killing machine, whose physical superiority is combined with his phenomenal thirst for destruction. Officer Helen Ripley and the crew of the Nostromo spaceship have already encountered such a creature once. Only Helen survived.

The capsule with Helen was found by rescuers after many years of wandering in space. She is informed that planet L.V. 426 is colonized, and she will have to return to where her nightmare began, because communication with the colonists has been interrupted. And so, as part of a space landing group, Ripley goes to the cursed planet. But now there is not just one Alien waiting for them there, but thousands. Who can survive in this war: monsters who can only kill, or people who can think?

4. The Fly (1986)

The talented and slightly eccentric scientist Seth Brundle studies the problems of teleportation. Starting with the movement of inanimate objects in space, the scientific genius decides to experiment with living beings.

Inspired by the successful result of the monkey teleportation experiment, he himself wants to become the subject of the experiment. But by chance, a fly flies into the sterile chamber. This little insect changes Seth's life forever - he becomes different. A different creature.

3. Predator (1987)

An American helicopter was shot down by partisans in South America, and the surviving crew was captured. The CIA sends its best forces to free American citizens - an elite special forces group led by Dutch is sent to the South American jungle. But there, many veteran fighters will face incredible horror.

2. Pumpkinhead (1988)

A group of city teenagers go riding motorcycles in the mountains. One of the heated reckless drivers knocks down a little boy to death. Inconsolable father of a dead childbut thirsts for revenge and turns to the local witch for help. The old witch tells him how, with the help of his own blood and the blood of his murdered son, he can awaken the Demon of Vengeance. So a terrible monster appears from the other world - Pumpkinhead.

1. Drop (1988)

A fatal meteorite brought a terrible substance to earth. A large drop devours everything in its path, and the more victims it finds in its bottomless depths, the larger this clot becomes, bringing death. Residents of a small American town do not believe in scary stories about a devilish substance. Meanwhile, the bloody mass is already approaching its outskirts.

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