An autopsy showed: the real causes of Matthew Perry's death became known (2 photos + 1 video)

17 December 2023

The star of the sitcom “Friends” died at the age of 55 back in October in his own jacuzzi. Then the preliminary version of death was heart problems. But the medical examiner's office said it's not so clear-cut.

According to a toxicology report from the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner's Office, the actor died from the effects of ketamine. This is a hallucinogen, a popular drug in the United States, it is often prescribed for the treatment of depression, as well as for the treatment of heroin addiction.

Although his friends and colleagues claimed that Matthew had been drug-free for over a year, it was revealed that he was in fact on ketamine infusion therapy. And although this therapy ended a week and a half before the actor’s death, there was a decent amount of ketamine in his body. And this means only one thing: the actor continued to take the drug on his own.

In addition to ketamine, the actor also used another potent drug, buprenorphine, which is usually prescribed during treatment for heroin use. So my heart couldn’t stand it. The actor, while in the jacuzzi, lost consciousness from an acute attack of coronary artery disease, aggravated by drug use, and drowned in the water.

“With the high levels of ketamine detected in Perry's post-mortem blood samples, the primary lethal effects would have been due to both cardiovascular overstimulation and respiratory depression,” the medical examiner's office report said.

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