The best games for a group of friends (3 photos)

Category: Games, PEGI 0+
14 December 2023

Looking for an exciting way to spend an unforgettable, fun evening with friends? Don't know what to do with your time or what to do with the whole company? We invite you to immerse yourself in the world of games, which will give all participants a lot of fun. In this article, we have collected 10 exciting games for the company that will make any party unique and bright.

Game "Mafia"


10. "Investigation" - an old board game for companies

9. “Hat” – guess words and expand your vocabulary

8. "Mr. Twister" - a popular game from American "family films"

7. “Who Am I” – funny and unexpected roles in pictures

6. "Truth or Dare?" – a game suitable for any event, even for children

5. “I’ve never...” is another way to find out more about each of your friends.

4. “Danetki” is a riddle game that requires logic, ingenuity and the skills to construct a possible course of events

3. "Mafia" is a popular game that requires observation and cunning

2. “Forfeits” – we complete tasks for children and adults

1. “Contact” – word guessing game

10. "Investigation" - an old board game for companies

Description: a game similar to the well-known "Monopoly", but in the style of a detective story, will add fun and joy. To organize, you need one of the set options - a playing field, cubes, chips, etc.

Rules: The playing field is in the form of a house where a crime was committed. It contains evidence in various rooms. Players, in the role of characters, move chips, appearing in different corners and offering their own versions of what happened. The winner is the one who correctly finds: how, with what and who committed the crime. A good option to play and develop logic at the same time.

9. “Hat” – guess words and expand your vocabulary

Description: to begin with, you need a straw or other hat that holds its shape, a pen and small pieces of paper. Participants guess each other's words written on stickers.

Rules: Before playing, all participants write down one word on a sticker and throw it into the hat. Topics – any. Next, the captains of each team take out the pieces of paper and begin to explain with gestures to their team what is written.

ATTENTION! It is forbidden to call the hidden word directly, with synonyms, or in translation into other languages.

The team that guesses the most words wins.

8. "Mr. Twister" - a popular game from American "family films"

Description: one of the games for the company on the floor. An interesting physical workout or competition. A playing field-mat and a circle-compass with an arrow are used.

Rules: a mat containing multi-colored circles is laid out on the floor. Participants who want to play rotate the circle with the arrow and make a move. Then the next player makes his move, and the previous one continues to stand.

Maintaining balance while weaving becomes more difficult with each move. Falling or touching the floor means exclusion. The winner is the one who stands on the mat the longest, performing his moves.

7. “Who Am I” – funny and unexpected roles in pictures

Description: a board game where participants turn into various characters. Unexpected roles add a funny touch to any evening. There are special stickers on sale that are convenient to collect and attach to the forehead.

Rules: Each person writes down the name of a character from a book, movie, etc. on a paper sticker, but so that others won’t spy on it. The sticker is then glued to the forehead of the other player.

Players try to find out what kind of character they have by asking other participants indirectly. The answer can only be “yes” or “no”. If the answer is positive, the player has the right to ask again about his character. If negative, the move is transferred to another participant. The first person to guess his character is the winner.

6. "Truth or Dare?" – a game suitable for any event, even for children

Description: Players choose "Truth or Dare?" with the presenter and ask each other questions or complete tasks.

On a note! In "adult companies", questions are often "provocative".

Rules: The host asks everyone to choose: “Truth or Dare?” When the player selects "True", he answers the question. When "Action" is selected, the player completes the proposed task. After answering or completing a task, the player similarly asks a question or action to the next participant. Those players who refuse an answer or action lose.

5. “I’ve never...” is another way to find out more about each of your friends.

Description: a game of “truthful answers to questions.” Slightly anonymous. Suitable for large groups of children and adults to play.

Rules: all participants sit down at the round table. Everyone shows their arms outstretched. The first player begins the phrase: “I have never...” and completes it at his own discretion. For example: “I have never skipped class.” Anyone else who has performed similar actions bends 1 finger. The next participant in the circle performs similar actions. If a participant bends the fingers of both hands, he flies out, and the game continues until one player remains.

4. “Danetki” is a riddle game that requires logic, ingenuity and the skills to construct a possible course of events

Description: Participants solve situational riddles. You can come up with them on the fly or prepare them in advance.

Rules: The presenter describes any unusual situation. And he asks a question about logic, ingenuity on it. Players who want to play ask the host about the topic of his question. The presenter has the right to answer “yes” or “no”. The participants' task is to quickly guess what the correct solution to the riddle situation is.

3. "Mafia" is a popular game that requires observation and cunning

Description: home game. In the roles of townspeople and mafiosi, two groups of players will have to use their logical minds to unravel the affiliation of other participants.

Rules: The game is played by a host chosen by the players; he chooses the mafia. All the rest become ordinary citizens.

The meaning of the game: during the day, a team of townspeople tries to identify the mafia and exclude them from the game, and the mafia attacks the townspeople at night.

Elimination is carried out by a majority vote. After which the presenter reports whether the participant dropped out correctly - whether he entered the mafia, and the player himself explains. The team that correctly gets rid of the entire second team wins.

2. “Forfeits” – we complete tasks for children and adults

Description: for all age categories. With the presenter and participants performing tasks to return their items.

Rules: Each player who wants to play places an individual item in the hat. The presenter takes out an object at random and asks the question: “What should I do with this phantom?” Next, he asks for a tricky or funny task, and the participant whose object was taken out must complete the task in order to return it.

1. “Contact” – word guessing game

Description: a simple verbal warm-up for a variety of leisure activities, where you need to quickly guess the hidden word.

Rules: the presenter thinks of a word and reads out the first letter. For example, “water” – “in”. Next, the presenter receives additional questions until the players guess the word. Whoever guessed right shouts “Contact!” The game ends when all participants say the hidden word.

Your party will be perfect with this variety. So what are you choosing from your list for your next get-together?

24 December 2023
Вот несколько правил обмена ненужностями.

Вытаскивайте с дальней полки те вещи, которые либо вам подарили и вы решили, что «спасибо, но нет», либо те, что вы сами когда-то купили, но теперь они вызывают у вас лишь недоумение. Упаковываете это «сокровище» в блестящую бумагу и привязываете мерцающий бантик.

Все подарки максимально хаотичным образом распределяются между игроками. Затем каждый игрок бросает кубик по очереди с последующими правилами:
🎲 1 на кубике: Обменяться подарком с соседом слева
🎲 2 на кубике: Обменяться подарком с соседом справа
🎲 3 на кубике: Обменяться подарком с кем-то на свой выбор
🎲 4 на кубике: Передать все подарки по часовой стрелке
🎲 5 на кубике: Передать все подарки против часовой стрелки
🎲 6 на кубике: Поменять подарки двух случайных игроков (не свой собственный подарок).

После 15 минут игры, каждый игрок оставляет себе подарок, который ему удалось выиграть.
Если вы выиграли свой же подарок, не переживайте! Вам в руки «Джокер» – обменяйте его на любой другой подарок, который вызывает у вас настоящее восхищение.

И, конечно же, самый веселый момент – распаковка подарков! Но помните, самое важное условие – искренность! Игрок, распаковывающий подарок, должен искренне хвалить тот подарок, который ему достался! Иначе, готовьтесь к танцу, песне или другой творческой самодеятельности. Лучше готовьтесь на всякий случай, судить вас будет строгий по справедливый «Товарищеский суд».

Друзья, вперед, к безудержному обмену ненужностями. Ваш смех – ваши шансы на выигрыш в этой замечательной игре! Веселье и хаос - вот наш девиз!
25 December 2023
В твоём понимании "искренне хвалить" - это правдиво врать, что тебе нравится какое-то Г?
Искренне - это честно, от всего сердца, а не прикинуться, что тебе понравилось.
Спасибо, в игры от такой чмони играть не охота.
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