Illuminati cards (24 photos + text)

9 November 2010

I suggest you look at playing cards released in 1995. They are produced by a company called STEVE JACKSON GAMES. The card game is called "Illuminati". It would seem that this is just a card game, but the game was released in 1995, and some of the events depicted on the game cards happened after 1995. By the way, this game won the 1995 Origins Award for Best Card Game.

The goal of the game is world domination (New World Order) and the creation of a new world order. The overall goal is exactly the same as the goal of the so-called world government.

So, let's take it in order. Let's start with a review of the events that took place before 1995.

The first map we will look at is history rewritten. At all times, the winners have been engaged
similar, adjusting historical moments to suit themselves. Modern “winners” do the same thing.

Bacteria in food. What we now call GMOs, as well as preservatives and the like. Some say that
Without this, modern cities cannot survive; others say that this is done deliberately as part of a plan to reduce the population.

Sublimation. Sublimation itself is a way of relieving internal tension through redirection
energy. From the map you can already guess where it is going. On three ice cubes in a glass and on three cakes
you can clearly read the word SEX. This is where all the tension of ordinary people goes. Entertainment and activities
sex is like a release from problems at work, from dissatisfaction with the state, etc.

Elders of Sion (Priory of Sion). This is a secret society that appears in a number of literary (and not only)
works since the 1970s. The statement found in some of them about the historical existence
society until now.

Now let’s touch on the events that occurred after 1995 and which are “outlined” on the maps.

Terrorist attack. Everyone knows the events of September 11, 2001.

Pentagon. The events of the same September 11, 2001, when the explosion occurred in the Pentagon.

Market speculation. The growth of the world economy that began in 2001 (just) marked the so-called wave of speculative growth. The final outcome of speculation occurred in 2007, when the mortgage crisis occurred in the United States, followed by the global financial crisis.

Next comes the energy crisis.

Nationalization. The first major step in the establishment of a new world order is the nationalization of large corporations
and the destruction of the power of these same corporations. Acquisitions are happening all over the world (not just in the USA).

Bank takeovers. Strengthening the role of one world currency $. This is a consequence of nationalization. Not only are they absorbed
banks, but also other financial organizations.

New Federal Budget. That same year, the United States adopted a hitherto unheard of deficit budget.
more than 800 billion. The next year (April 2009) the G20 decides to inject about
4.5 trillion. $. So, the money was allocated, but “where is Zin’s money?”

Spending cuts are taking place all over the world. It's simple - there is no money and government facilities (schools, for example) are closed.

Center for Disease Control. Swine flu is the conventional name for a disease in humans and animals caused by
strains of influenza virus. The title was widely circulated in the media in early 2009.

Quarantine. At the same time, swine flu quarantine was introduced in some countries. The peculiarity of the "Mexican", the A/H1N1 virus,
is that it contains fragments of human, swine and bird flu. The likelihood of such
The number of hybrids produced naturally is extremely small, and therefore there is ongoing talk about its artificial origin.

So one of the virologists Adrian Gibbs said, “This virus is a laboratory type.” WHO, for its part, denied
statement by an Australian virologist that the influenza virus is of artificial origin and has spread to
as a result of a laboratory leak.

Oil disaster. This event happened already in 2010. April 20, 2010 on an oil platform
Deepwater Horizon exploded 80 kilometers off the coast of Louisiana, killing 11 of 126
oil workers on the rig. On April 22, the platform sank. As a result of the incident, she was in three places
a well was damaged and oil began to flow out of it.

In early August, it was announced that the well would be sealed. On August 20, the preliminary causes of the accident became known.

Well, now the most interesting thing - what awaits us next?

Tax reform. Simply put, an increase in taxes. All this is explained by huge budget deficits.
This is already starting to happen in developed countries. In Russia, some laws have already been adopted. This is how it has been growing since 2011
tax in the Pension Fund from 26% to 32%. Most of all, this change will affect small businesses on the simplified tax system because... they used to pay with
workers' salaries are 14%, and now they are equal to organizations operating on the general tax system
and they will pay 32%. In other words, their tax burden has increased 2.5 times since 2011. According to polls
43% of directors will reduce workers' salaries from 2011 to compensate for losses, 29% will fire workers,
the rest will introduce wages into the shadows.

Tax reform begins the formation of a new world order.

Radical reforms.

Fear and hate.

Combined disasters. The time is coming for serious natural disasters around the world.

Messiah. In a year of catastrophes, a new messiah appears. This is the beginning of the control of millions of people around the world.

Destruction of states. What is now state integrity will be destroyed. The world will unite under a single center.

The end of the world. The inscription on the banner is "Repent".

Burning souls (soul burner). Everyone who is objectionable will apparently end up there....

Total power. The final goal. Complete power in one hand.

9 November 2010
Они и на русском есть на ех.юа
10 November 2010
151 comment
flesh-eating bacteria? перекладається як плото-їдна бактерія, а не ГМО
15 November 2010
"New World Order" eto ne legenda, eto budet v samom dele. Napishite na Google: "Gorbachev, New World Order", i vi uvidite chto on tolko ob etom i govorit. Napishite imia liubovo lidera + "New World Order" i smotrite rezultat! Evropa uze "odna" (European Union), skoro budet obyedeneniye Ameriki, i potov vsie drugiye strani. Religii tozhe "obyedeniayutsia" - eto nazivayetsia "Ecumenism". Biblia vsio eto ochen jorosho obyesniayet, pochemu vsio eto budet, ya chitala Bibliyu 10 raz y vsio poniala, no liudi ne mogut chitat Bibliyu tak kak sam Boj im zakrivayez glaza.

2-е Фессалоникийцам 2
3Да не обольстит вас никто никак: [ибо день тот не] [придет], доколе не придет прежде отступление и не откроется человек греха, сын погибели,

4противящийся и превозносящийся выше всего, называемого Богом или святынею, так что в храме Божием сядет он, как Бог, выдавая себя за Бога.

5Не помните ли, что я, еще находясь у вас, говорил вам это?

6И ныне вы знаете, что не допускает открыться ему в свое время.

7Ибо тайна беззакония уже в действии, только [не совершится] до тех пор, пока не будет взят от среды удерживающий теперь.

8И тогда откроется беззаконник, которого Господь Иисус убьет духом уст Своих и истребит явлением пришествия Своего

9того, которого пришествие, по действию сатаны, будет со всякою силою и знамениями и чудесами ложными,

10и со всяким неправедным обольщением погибающих за то, что они не приняли любви истины для своего спасения.

11И за сие пошлет им Бог действие заблуждения, так что они будут верить лжи,

12да будут осуждены все, не веровавшие истине, но возлюбившие неправду.
9 January 2011
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