Quarrelable Muscovites crashed each other's cars and earned criminal charges

8 December 2023

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the reason for the quarrel was insignificant, but Biba and Boba managed to turn it into a massacre and substantial prison sentences.

A verbal conflict between two Muscovites escalated into a fierce fight with the use of a baseball bat and an ax, with which they decided to take out their anger on each other’s cars. As Vladimir Vasenin, head of the capital's main headquarters of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, told reporters, a quarrel between a 41-year-old and a 43-year-old man occurred over a minor issue (perhaps because one of them was parking in front of a barrier).

First, one sprayed pepper spray in the opponent’s face, who responded by taking a bat from his car and attacking the offender. Fortunately, no one was seriously injured during the short scuffle. When they were separated, the man with the bat hit the trunk of his opponent's car several times. But its owner also had something to answer. He took a hatchet from his car and responded by striking his car several times.

Both participants in the fight turned to the police themselves. Based on the results of the inspection, they were brought to justice on an administrative case of petty hooliganism, and criminal cases were also opened. The man with the bat was additionally charged with intentionally causing moderate harm to health. It is noted that the total damage to cars amounted to more than 7 thousand dollars. One faces up to two years in prison, the other - up to five. They were not kept in the pre-trial detention center and were released on their own recognizance.

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8 December 2023
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