An unsuccessful attempt by the invaders to attack the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces with the support of two BTR-82A armored personnel carriers near Rabotino, Zaporozhye region

6 December 2023
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Ukrainian artillerymen discouraged enemy attack aircraft from attacking positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Rabotino in the Zaporozhye region.

In the recording, two armored personnel carriers with infantry on board are trying to approach Ukrainian positions. The first artillery shots force the infantrymen to parachute and seek shelter in the forest belt. Several shells hit there. After this, one armored vehicle begins to turn around, while the other continues to move forward.

“An unsuccessful attack by the Russian military with the support of two BTR-82A armored personnel carriers in the Rabotino area of the Zaporozhye region,” says the commentary on the video.
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