25 of the worst nightmares from the ocean depths (26 photos)

4 December 2023

On AskReddit, the question was asked, “Do you know the scariest thing ever found in the ocean that has photographic evidence?” — and interesting answers were not long in coming. Meet: ugly deep-sea fish, huge squid, toothy sharks and much more.

1. Gigantura indica (telescope fish), deep-sea

2. Road made of plastic waste

3. Oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico

4. Leopard seal. Large, fast, silent and ruthless predator

5. Goblin Shark. This thing looks creepy as hell

6. Lamprey

7. Woodlice eating tongue (parasite)

8. Spider Crab

9. Iceberg Caves That Constantly Change While You're In Them

10. Black anglerfish

11. Humboldt squid (red devil). The main thing is not to get caught in a school of such squid. They can easily mistake a person for food

12. Siphonophores. Not individual organisms, but colonies

13. "Winged shark" discovered in Awashima, Japan. It served as inspiration for the film Godzilla: Resurgence

14. Brazilian glowing shark (cookiecutter shark, “cookie cutter shark”). Bites/cuts out large rounded pieces from the victim's body

15. Antarctic deep-sea (colossal) squid, up to 14 meters long and weighing up to half a ton. It's bigger and meaner than "giant" squids and big enough to hunt sperm whales

16. Giant sea spider in Antarctic waters

17. Ghost jellyfish are harmless, but they look scary and take up a lot of space.

18. Vampire Squid

19. Short-nosed opisthoproctus

20. Magnapinna squid, deep sea

21. Mantis crab. We're damn lucky these things don't grow big.

22. Pacific cuttlefish

23. Purple Australian worm, a relentless predator

24. Irukandji jellyfish. It is tiny (1-2 cm in diameter), but extremely poisonous and can even be deadly.

25. Great white shark

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